Missed the obvious

How the Experts in the Law Commission & the Ministry of Health Missed the Obvious It may seem puzzling that both the Law Commission and the Ministry of Health (MoH), after an astonishing 11 years investigating burial-and-cremation law and processes, failed to ask the most  important …

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A 1 in 60 year opportunity

The Government’s Review of Burial and Cremation Legislation and Processes is Happening Right Now Now is the time to push for an end to the funeral industry’s stranglehold on the funeral process.  The Government is currently reviewing the law and processes around burial and cremation.  …

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For doctors and nurses

Death Without Debt’s proposals are just common sense. They will improve things from the point of view of the public, the medical profession and the industry. ​​ It is important, indeed a basic right, that families should have the choice of handling their own dead …

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Why funeral costs are so high?

Interview Subject: “I’ve almost finished paying off my husband’s funeral.”Interviewer: “When did he die?”Subject: “Just over 10 years ago.”  ​The paperwork trap is the poverty trap The average cost of a New Zealand funeral is about $10,000 – way more than many households and families can afford. The …

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Why is a nation of DIYers spending so much on funerals?

Official paperwork requirements are derailing the DIY funeral movement. People know grieving is helped by building coffin or stretcher, using their own vehicle to transport the body, inserting the death notice in the paper themselves, choosing their own memorials, or not, and organising all the …

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