DIY Funeral Workshops NZ

2024 National Workshop Tour

Death Without Debt will be touring the country July onward with our funeral workshops.

The workshops cover:

  • Funeral planning, wills, Enduring Power of Attorney, Advanced Care Plans, probate
  • After-death paperwork requirements and avoiding professional service fees
  • Care and transport of the body
  • When you need a coffin and when you don’t.
  • The pros and cons of cremation vs burial. Alternative and environmental technologies.
  • The politics and history of funerals
  • Community initiatives and collective action for funeral reform
  • And much more . . .

To Register: Simply email [email protected] Put “Workshop” and the name of your town or district in the subject line. In the body of your text include your name, phone number and numbers attending. We will email you back to confirm and give you payment details etc.

If you are interested in hosting or training to present workshops yourself email us.

Note: Workshops are of varying lengths depending on location. Prices reflect length and venue costs.

Death Without Debt is run entirely on volunteer labour and all proceeds go to cover travel, printing etc.


We are confirming dates and venues as we go. The below are confirmed. We plan to reach all districts this year.   Apart from Wellington (Tawa) and Ashhurst, there will be no other workshops in August.  Auckland and the rest of the North Island  dates will be set soon, most likely mid September onwards.

Financial hardship? Email us with your registration (as above) and “Koha” or “by donation” in body of text.

Note: we are now on the road and have limited admin capacity so please bear with us while we get to your email.  Full details for each workshop are beneath the itinerary.  Scroll down to find your town or city.

Tauranga Wednesday 11th Sept, 2024 1pm to 5pm Venue: To be confirmed

To register simply email us at this address:  [email protected] 
with “Tauranga” in the subject line.

Cost is $40 per person, (including booklet)

​​Payable to Death Without Debt  Kiwibank  38-9023-0202538-00

​​For couples or family groups (max 3) total cost is $60

​​When you pay please put your name in the reference field and “Tauranga” 

​Your phone number would be handy in the unlikely event of a last minute cancellation.

​If you’d rather, you can pay cash on the day, though if you do we want your word in stone!

​We look forward to meeting you. Any questions, just email us.

Why is a nation of DIYers spending so much on funerals?

Read our article on DIY Funerals