Hats off to the honourable undertakers

There are some great funeral directors out there who are aware of the financial consequences of funeral costs, of the desire of some to D.I.Y. some or all parts of the funeral process and who actively facilitate this without exploitation. One Rotorua funeral director we spoke to said he doesn’t charge D.I.Y.ers for the pre-cremation paperwork because it only takes a couple of minutes. And then there are other funeral directors who will force people to pay over $4000 for the same job.

​​On this website, when we talk of the funeral industry and the funeral industry’s business plan, we are, of necessity, talking generally. To the honorable exceptions out there, we are on your side. We understand funeral homes have overheads, we acknowledge that much of the time funeral directors are just providing what people have been conditioned to want. We realise businesses need to make money. And above all, we know that in certain circumstances funeral directors are indispensable.

​​​We also know that commercial predation and funeral debt isn’t good for anyone – least of all the funeral industry.





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