Join the Campaign

Together, let’s ensure that no one has to face death with the burden of debt.
Join us today.

Join the Campaign

Strength is in numbers, so please show your support by subscribing.  It’s free.

Grow our campaign by getting word out. We have pamphlets, posters and stickers which you can order or print yourself.   Stick these on your fridge, work and community notice boards, your car and so on.  And of course, if you use social media . . .  thanks.     

Talk to your doctor, nurses and their staff.  Give them our pamphlet for medical professionals.  Their understanding and support is key.

Email or visit your MP and your local Council and tell them why you want all the Ten Steps to be addressed.

Get your community on board.   Are you a member of a club or committee, a church, a sports club?  Do you have any connections to Age Concern, Hospice, Unions, Poverty Action Groups?  If so, engage them so they can come aboard this campaign.

Tell us your stories, the good, and the badso we can present an accurate, well researched picture of what is happening out there in funeral-land.

If you are a doctor, nurse, social worker, or budget advisor, your support is particularly important.  Please get in touch by emailing [email protected]

Donate directly

Death Without Debt relies entirely on full and part time volunteers.

Your donations will be spent on publicity and printing.

Donate Directly to the bank account

(Kiwibank) 38-9023-0202538-00

Bear in mind…

Death Without Debt is not yet an Incorporated Society or Charitable Trust and donations are not tax-deductable.

If you require a receipt, please email us and include your name and initials in payment details. Thanks.



Want to help out?  Email us and we’ll organise a time to talk.

[email protected] subject line “Volunteer”. 

Include phone number or best contact.

Situations Vacant:

Workshop Co-ordinators 

National and regional.  Involves promotion, venue booking, registering.

Workshop Presenters
Researchers and Research Interviewers  (Looking for an academic research subject?.  Get in touch)

Regional Coordinators:
   Involves approaching community groups and organisations, introducing them to the issues, putting it on their radars, and encouraging their participation in the campaign. 

Graphic Designer

Video Production

Medical Liaison

Book a Speaker

Email us at [email protected]

Pick a talk:

a) The whole issue

b) How paperwork requirements have derailed the kiwi D.I.Y. spirit.

c) The decline of the public service and the group-think epidemic. 

d) What the medical profession ought be doing, but isn’t.

d) The American Way of Death.  60 years of public fightback.

e) Winning at the local level.